Share your commitment with the world

ALLCOT’s team helps companies identify which seal/certification better adjusts to its needs and ambitions. By collecting and generating the necessary information, ALLCOT supports your journey in applying and obtaining this certification.


Making your sustainability commitments visible and known to your audience can be achieved through sustainable reports and certifications. Doing so not only helps build your organization’s reputation, but also improves it


Environmental, social and governance (ESG)

Through recognized sustainability reporting standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), ALLCOT supports companies gathering data and generating their own sustainability reports.

  • With ALLCOT’s own methodology for quantifying the progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, we add a global dimension to your report

  • At ALLCOT, sustainability reports are built by multidisciplinary teams to achieve a technical description in each reporting sub-topic.

At ALLCOT we help you communicate your environmental impact in a qualitative and quantitative manner, identifying the proper course of action and defining improvement scenarios in the short, medium and long term.


Prioritize your sustainable efforts

Companies and organizations can address sustainability from many different perspectives. At ALLCOT we help your team to identify and prioritize those sustainability issues with a greater relevance and impact to the organization and its stakeholders.

We do so by:

  • Evaluating and prioritizing from the perspective of impact and value to the organisation
  • Developing a matrix and report on dual materiality
  • Internal and external monitoring and validation of the matrix output
  • Establishing key indicators that help to measure sustainability management and performance.

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